Presenter: Eren Cihangir - SE Outpost24
Title: Perspectives on Hacker Pivoting inside Data Centers and the Cloud
High-Level Summary:
IT stacks in all industries are moving from data centers to cloud infrastructure and carrying technical debt with them. In the financial services space, many have been sold on the idea that using “the cloud” fixes their security woes. However, flaws in the transition can leave them exposed to new threats and may even result in worsening security habits. As organizations shift their traditional infrastructure to the cloud, cloud assessments driven by traditional hacking techniques are more necessary than ever.
Bio: Eren is an experienced IT specialist with knowledge spanning agile development, cloud infrastructure, security operations, and penetration testing. As a Security Engineer in the financial services industry, he has grown concerned with the misconceptions surrounding best practices for institutions as they transition to cloud technologies. Using a holistic approach to problem-solving, Eren guides clients to assess their security needs by understanding how their transition has affected the scope of security risks. His breadth of expertise helps to level the playing field in cross-departmental communication, a key tool in implementing new security solutions effectively and efficiently.