Presentation Details: Enterprises manage thousands of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Many APIs are not routed through a proxy such as an API Gateway or Web Application Firewall (API);
therefore, those APIs are not monitored, audited, and may be vulnerable to mistakes or bad actors. Enterprise security teams are playing catch-up when it comes to API security. How are CISOs and security leadership developing governance round API security and incident response readiness?
In this talk, we will discuss:
1.What are APIs?
2.Why Should API security be top of mind to leadership?
3.API breaches making headlines.
4.API challenges
5.API Breach Examples
6.Approaches to API security
Key takeaways:
1. APIs are Everywhere
2. How are APIs tied to business success?
3. Why having an API strategy is important?
4. How to develop API lifecycle management?